Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), as we know it today, was first developed in the 1980s by N. Prabhu, a teacher and researcher in Bangalore

ENADE 2021 - QUESTÃO 21 TEXT I Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), as we know it today, was first developed in the 1980s by N. Prabhu, a te...
Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), as we know it today, was first developed in the 1980s by N. Prabhu, a teacher and researcher in Bangalore, South India. He suggested that language acquisition is “an unconscious process which is best facilitated by bringing about in the learner a preoccupation with meaning, saying and doing”. He believed that using tasks would help tap into learners’ natural mechanisms for second language acquisition.
CHANDY, R. The origins of TBLT.
Available at: https://languagebyexperience.com.
Access on: 8 june 2020 (adapted).

For learning to take place, learners must be engaged in the process of education. One way to engage learners is to motivate them through authentic learning experiences. Authentic learning experiences are instructional activities that demonstrate real life connections by associating the concept being taught with a real-life experience or event. For authentic learning to take place, teachers must involve students in the process of gathering, analyzing, and using information to make informed decisions that relate to real life.More than any previous generation, today’s digital students look for relevancy in the content of the various subjects they are learning.
SHELLY, G. B.; GUNTER, G. A.; GUNTER, R. E. Teachers discovering
computers: integrating technology and digital media in the classroom. 
6 ed. Boston (MA): Cengage Learning, 2010. p. 334 (adapted).

Considerando as informações apresentadas nos textos, avalie as propostas didáticas a seguir.

I. The final project for this year is an arts blog – a website containing texts, videos, images, opinions, and links. It should represent the universe of art in your city or region.

II. Select a Brazilian movie. Write a synopsis of the movie using no more than 280 characters. Peer edit it and make the necessary corrections. Tweet it.

III. You are going to read a short text about internet addiction disorder. Read it carefully and answer the questions.

IV. Read the introduction of this fanfic from FanFiction.net written by a book fan. Now it’s your turn to write fanfic about a character of the book you summarized.

É correto o que se afirma em

A) I e III, apenas.
B) I, II e III, apenas.
C) I, II e IV, apenas. 
D) II, III e IV, apenas.
E) I, II, III e IV.


Não temos resolução para essa questão! Você sabe explicar? Copie o link dessa página e envie sua resolução clicando AQUI!

C) I, II e IV, apenas.



Enade,23,Enem,3,Exercícios,91,Exercícios de Alemão,1,Exercícios de Biologia,4,Exercícios de Ciências,3,Exercícios de Ciências da Natureza,1,Exercícios de Ciências Humanas,1,Exercícios de Educação Infantil,2,Exercícios de Espanhol,3,Exercícios de Filosofia,2,Exercícios de Física,6,Exercícios de Francês,3,Exercícios de Geografia,10,Exercícios de História,7,Exercícios de Inglês,5,Exercícios de Italiano,1,Exercícios de Linguagens,1,Exercícios de Literatura,3,Exercícios de Matemática,13,Exercícios de Português,13,Exercícios de Química,7,Exercícios de Redação,1,Exercícios de Sociologia,4,Exercícios Ensino Fundamental,1,Questões,2629,Questões da OAB,80,Questões da OBMEP,82,Questões da Santa Casa,100,Questões de Artes,40,Questões de Biologia,33,Questões de Ciências,36,Questões de Ciências da Natureza,75,Questões de Ciências Humanas,120,Questões de Espanhol,49,Questões de Filosofia,2,Questões de Física,77,Questões de Geografia,28,Questões de História,27,Questões de Inglês,51,Questões de Linguagens,119,Questões de Literatura,12,Questões de Matemática,395,Questões de Português,321,Questões de Química,48,Questões de Redação,4,Questões de Sociologia,20,Questões de Vestibular,288,Questões do Enade,685,Questões do Enem,404,
Meus Exercícios: Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), as we know it today, was first developed in the 1980s by N. Prabhu, a teacher and researcher in Bangalore
Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), as we know it today, was first developed in the 1980s by N. Prabhu, a teacher and researcher in Bangalore
Meus Exercícios
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