ENADE 2021 - QUESTÃO 22 TEXT I Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) can be used as a virtual assessment environment if the software is desig...
Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) can be used as a virtual assessment environment if the software is designed suitably for language assessment purposes. In other words, if the quizzes, questionnaires or exams on a course are uploaded, it would be virtual environment-based language assessment.
VLEs provide differentiated instruction that can modify resources, content, activities and address students’ needs. Students need personalized language assessment as well to improve their learning experience with this assessment. Thus, more reflective, self-regulated individuals need useful assessment instruments capable of monitoring their learning progress. As discussed in previous sections, most of the digital tools offer personalized assessment for language learners. For instance, the use of voice recording with the purpose of speaking skills assessment or video conferencing use.
MERI YILAN, S.; KORUYAN, K. S. ICT-Based Assessment,
Methods, and Programs in Tertiary Education.
IGI Global, 2020. p. 51 (adapted).
Paper-based textbooks are being replaced by more engaging digital textbooks containing hyperlinks, interactive presentations, and videos. Additionally, a digital learning environment enables students to set their own pace of study and teachers to track students’ progress more efficiently. These technological advances in the educational context as well as our daily life have greatly impacted the assessment of English language proficiency.
Our endeavours to integrate new technology for the better have had several outcomes: adaptive testing based on a candidate’s level of ability; quick reporting of results enhanced by AI-enabled marking; various modes of testing available for the stakeholders; instantaneous feedback for enhancing learning and teaching; and innovative assessment for the future.
LEE, H. W. Technology-Enhanced Language Assessment:
Innovative Approaches for Better Learning. Cambridge Assessment.
Available at: https://www.cambridgeassessment.org.uk.
Access on: 8 june 2020 (adapted).
Considerando a realização de avaliações a distância, em virtude da pandemia de Covid-19, avalie as afirmações a seguir.
I. As tecnologias digitais favorecem a regulação e autorregulação da aprendizagem em um processo formativo.
II. Ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem são formatados para a aplicação de testes em papel após upload.
III. As potencialidades de avaliação em ambientes virtuais não se limitam à modalidade de EaD.
IV. Cada texto atribui papéis diferentes para a avaliação mediada por tecnologias digitais.
É correto apenas o que se afirma em
A) I e III.
B) I e IV.
C) II e III.
D) I, II e IV.
E) II, III e IV.
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A) I e III.