ENADE 2021 - QUESTÃO 23 The importance and impact of student assessment Assessment helps focus attention on the learning progress and outcom...
The importance and impact of student assessment
Assessment helps focus attention on the learning progress and outcomes of each student. Collecting student assessment information is essential to improve teaching and learning strategies and meet information needs at the level of students, parents, teachers, school leaders, policy makers, and society.
Students need to be clear about what they are aiming to learn and which indicators and criteria are appropriate to evaluate progress and inform future learning. Engaging students as active participants in assessment will help them develop capabilities in analysing their own learning and becoming self-directed learners.
Parents typically want to know how their children are doing and progressing in relation to expected standards and in comparison to others in the same age group. Providing assessment information to parents is key to building strong school-home partnerships by making parents aware of learning goals, their children’s progress and priorities for further learning.
Teachers need assessment information that is reliable and consistent across schools in order to understand student strengths and weaknesses in relation to expected standards, to target future teaching and improve classroom instruction.
School leaders can use such information for school self-evaluation processes and to provide accountability information to their employers and the educational administration.
Policy makers need aggregated assessment information to monitor the performance of schools and education systems and ensure that national education goals are met.
Society at large also needs credentials about the quality of education and the achievement of standards in the education system.
There is a large body of research showing a strong impact of different types of assessment on student learning outcomes. Evidence on different approaches indicates that carefully planned assessment interventions that are well aligned with learning goals and place students at the centre of the process have strong potential to raise achievement and reduce disparities.
Available at: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org. Access on: 18 apr. 2020 (adapted).
Considerando o texto apresentado e o processo de ensino aprendizagem, é correto afirmar que
A) os órgãos reguladores do ensino têm a responsabilidade de garantir que as escolas estabeleçam seus padrões de aprendizagem livremente, cabendo a eles referendar as decisões tomadas pelas escolas e monitorar as metas por elas estabelecidas.
B) os professores precisam utilizar sistemas avaliativos que reflitam o desempenho de seus estudantes a fim de definir metas tangíveis e em concordância com os padrões esperados para cada aluno e/ou ano/série escolar.
C) os estudantes têm o papel de colaborar com o desenvolvimento de sistemas avaliativos que contemplem suas aptidões, por meio de avaliações flexíveis, que podem ser elaboradas por eles próprios, tornando-os aprendizes auto-orientados.
D) a sociedade deve exigir credenciais dos professores que formam os alunos, pois espera-se que a qualidade da educação atenda às demandas do mercado.
E) os pais precisam ter acesso às avaliações escolares para que possam comparar o desempenho de seus filhos com o de outras crianças, a fim de colaborar na construção de atividades avaliativas.
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B) os professores precisam utilizar sistemas avaliativos que reflitam o desempenho de seus estudantes a fim de definir metas tangíveis e em concordância com os padrões esperados para cada aluno e/ou ano/série escolar.