Considering these statements on using the ICT in the teaching-learning process, choose the correct option.

ENADE 2021 - QUESTÃO 10 The ability to read - taking general comprehension as the example - requires that the reader draw information from a...
The ability to read - taking general comprehension as the example - requires that the reader draw information from a text and combine it with information and expectations that the reader already has. This interaction of information is a common way to explain reading comprehension, though it does not reveal much about the specifics of reading. Recently, research on L1 reading has highlighted the need for readers to develop essential reading processes and abilities such as rapid words recognition, vocabulary development, text-structure awareness, and strategic reading (as opposed to learning individual strategies).
GRABE, W.; STOLLER, F. Reading for academic purposes: guidelines for the 
ESL/EFL teacher. In: CELCE-MURCIA, M. Teaching English as a second or 
foreign language. Boston: Heinle, Cengage Learning, 2001, p.187-203.

Considering the excerpt and the assumption that language and culture cannot be separated, analyze the following statements and the relationship between them.

I. The reader’s cultural background influence in his or her understanding of the text, so readers from two different cultural backgrounds can read the same text and construct different meanings of what the text means.


II. Content and formal schemata play an important role in the foreign language reading process. While the first includes what we know about people, the world and culture, the second is related to what we know about the linguistic structure, lexicon and discourse.

Considering these statements on using the ICT in the teaching-learning process, choose the correct option.

A) Statements I and II are true propositions, and II is a correct justification of I.

B) Statements I and II are true propositions, but II is not a correct justification of I.

C) Statement I is a true proposition, and II is a false proposition.

D) Statement I is a false proposition, and II is a true proposition.

E) Statement I and II are false propositions.


A) Statements I and II are true propositions, and II is a correct justification of I.

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Meus Exercícios: Considering these statements on using the ICT in the teaching-learning process, choose the correct option.
Considering these statements on using the ICT in the teaching-learning process, choose the correct option.
Meus Exercícios
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