De acordo com a linguista Marianne Mithun

Leia o texto destacado para responder às  questões 35 a 37 . In a new survey of North American Indian languages. Marianne Mithun gives an ad...
Leia o texto destacado para responder às questões 35 a 37.

In a new survey of North American Indian languages. Marianne Mithun gives an admirably clear statement of what is lost as each language ceases to he used. “Speakers of these languages and their descendants are acutely aware of what it can mean to lose a language,” she begins — and this is perfectly true, although these speakers must have taken the decision themselves not to teach the language to their children. It happens all too often — people regret that their language and culture are being lost but at the same time decide not to saddle their own children with the chore of preserving them.

When a language disappears [Mithun continues] the most intimate aspects of culture can disappear as well: fundamental ways of organizing experience into concepts. of relating ideas to each other. of interacting to people. The more conscious genres of verbal art are usually lost as well: traditional ritual. oratory. myth. legends. and even humor. Speakers commonly remark that when they speak a different language, they say different things and even think different thoughts.

These are very interesting assertions. They slip by in a book on anthropological linguistics, where in a book on linguistic theory they would be highly contentious. Is it true that ‘‘fundamental ways of organizing experience into concepts [and] of relating ideas to each other” are specific to individual languages and are therefore likely to be lost when a language ceases to be used? Is it true that when speakers speak a different language, they “say different things and even think different thoughts”? Again, the extent to which thought depends on language is very controversial. These questions must he now faced, because only when we have reached an opinion on them will we be able to accept or reject Marianne Mithun’s conclusion: “The loss of a language represents a definitive separation of a people from its heritage. It also represents an irreparable loss for us all, the loss of opportunities to glimpse alternative ways of making sense of the human experience.”
Fonte: Dalby, Andrew. Language in danger. New York: Columbia
University Press. 2003, p. 252; 285. Adaptado.

ITA 2022 - QUESTÃO 35
De acordo com a linguista Marianne Mithun

a) os indivíduos falantes de linguas nativas e seus descendentes não têm absoluta clareza do que perder uma língua pode significar.

b) indivíduos nativos lamentam a perda de sua língua e cultura, mas não querem sobrecarregar seus filhos com a responsabilidade de preservá-las.

c) antes da extinção de uma língua, aspectos da cultura correspondente já haviam desaparecido.

d) teorias linguísticas afirmam que o desaparecimento de línguas nativas é altamente controverso.

e) a decisão de povos originários e seus descendentes ao abandonar suas línguas nativas tem motivação econômica.


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b) indivíduos nativos lamentam a perda de sua língua e cultura, mas não querem sobrecarregar seus filhos com a responsabilidade de preservá-las.



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Meus Exercícios: De acordo com a linguista Marianne Mithun
De acordo com a linguista Marianne Mithun
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