UnirG 2021: How is the quality of the air we breath?

UnirG 2021 :   How is the quality of the air we breath? Cars cause a lot of the air pollution and everybody ought to do whatever possible to...
UnirG 2021: How is the quality of the air we breath?

Cars cause a lot of the air pollution and everybody ought to do whatever possible to stop it, you know.

For example, people ought to drive together or use public transportation, that would keep millions of pounds of pollution out of the atmosphere. People ought to buy cars that get good gas mileage and keep them tuned up and running well.

The more gas a car uses, the more pollution it emits. We'd all better support the development and use of cars that use alternative energy sources, like electric cars, solar-powered cars, and cars that run on methane gas.

Based on the text above what is the only false statement?

a) The use of too many cars on the street causes a lot of pollution to the environment.

b) People should drive together and use public transportation.

c) Solar-powered cars, electric cars and car that run on methane gas, are kinds of cars that worsen environmental pollution.

d) Avoid using cars would keep millions of pounds of pollution out of the atmosphere.


c) Solar-powered cars, electric cars and car that run on methane gas, are kinds of cars that worsen environmental pollution.

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Meus Exercícios: UnirG 2021: How is the quality of the air we breath?
UnirG 2021: How is the quality of the air we breath?
Meus Exercícios
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