As my official bio reads, I was made in Cuba, assembled is Spain, and imported to the United States – meaning my mother, seven months pregna...
As my official bio reads, I was made in Cuba, assembled is Spain, and imported to the United States – meaning my mother, seven months pregnant, and the rest of my family arrived as exiles from Cuba to Madrid, where I was born. Less than two months later, we emigrated once more and settled in New York City, theneventually in Miami, where I was raised and educated.
Although technically we lived in the United States, the Cuban community was culturally insular in Miami during the 1970s, bonded together by the trauma of exile. What’s more, it seemed that practically everyone was Cuban: my teachers, my classmates, the mechanic, the bus driver. I didn’t grow up feeling different or treated as a minority.
The few kids who got picked on in my grade school were the ones with freckles and funny last names like Dawson and O’Neil.
BLANCO, R. Disponível em:
Acesso em: 9 dez. 2017 (adaptado).
ENEM 2022: Ao relatar suas vivências, o autor destaca o(a)
a) qualidade da educação formal em Miami.
b) prestígio da cultura cubana nos Estados Unidos.
c) oportunidade de qualificação profissional em Miami.
d) cenário da integração de cubanos nos Estados Unidos.
e) fortalecimento do elo familiar em comunidades estadunidenses.
d) cenário da integração de cubanos nos Estados Unidos.