ENADE 2021 - QUESTÃO 26 It was my second semester at my new school and I realized that things weren’t working out the way I wanted. It was a...
It was my second semester at my new school and I realized that things weren’t working out the way I wanted. It was a speaking skills class, but my students just wouldn’t open their mouths. The first semester had been the same. At that time, I had thought it was just a matter of my adjusting to a new situation. Now I knew it was something more serious. I decided to audiorecord my classes over several days. The recordings confirmed my observations. The tape was filled with the sound of my voice, punctuated by prolonged silences, and the occasional monosyllabic student response. I consulted colleagues who said it was a “cultural thing”.
So there was my challenge – and my dilemma: how to get my Cantonese-speaking Hong Kong students to speak English. I decided to change the dynamics of the classroom, focusing more overtly on group work, and encouraging students to speak through split information tasks in which students had to speak English.This new awareness led me into a second investigative cycle, focusing this time on the reluctant speakers in the class. I decided that these students were having difficulty redefining their roles, and concluded that if I added a learning strategy dimension with a focus on learner roles and responsibilities, it might help sensitize them to this very different kind of classroom.
BAILEY, K.; CURTIS, A.; NUNAN, D. Pursuing Professional Development: the self as source.
Boston (MA): Heinle & Heinle, 2001. p. 133-134 (adapted).
Com base nas informações do texto, o tipo de análise/pesquisa que o professor conduziu acerca de sua prática docente é a
A) pesquisa-ação.
B) análise documental.
C) análise conversacional.
D) pesquisa experimental.
E) pesquisa levantamento.
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A) pesquisa-ação.