ENADE 2021 - QUESTÃO 10 Women writers. And female characters had been part of novel-writing since the time of Aphra Behn and Delarivier Manl...
Women writers. And female characters had been part of novel-writing since the time of Aphra Behn and Delarivier Manley, and it is a commonplace that women were the main readers of the genre in the eighteenth century. After Sir Walter Scott made the novel popular worldwide, it was for two decades, seen largely as a man’s genre. Women writers were expected to write the kinds of novel which George Eliotwas to condemn in an essay as Silly Novels by Lady Novelists – the sub-genres of romance, fantasy and sensation. But several of the major figures of the Victorian novel are women; and the heroines they created began to throw off the victims role that male authors had created, from Moll Fladers, Pamela, and Clarissa onwards. Jane Eyre’s “Reader, I married him” close to the end of Charlotte Brontë’s novel (1847) that bears the character’s name, shows the reversal of the roles and the decision-making capacities that the new generation of socially aware women could demonstrate. (…) The Brontë sisters, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë, not only contributed much to the growth of the novel, but also to the position of women at this time. They did much to alter the way in which women were viewed, demonstrating new social, psychological, and emotional possibilities for women.
McRAE, J.; CARTER, R. The Routledge History of Literature in English.
London, Routledge, 2001, p. 267 (adapted).
Com base nas informações apresentadas, o texto possui uma característica importante da literatura Vitoriana que é marcada pelo(a)
A) escrita de mulheres que confere às personagens femininas protagonismo social.
B) emprego da fantasia nos textos escritos por mulheres para a popularização do gênero.
C) presença de personagens populares nos romances oitocentistas escritos por mulheres.
D) vitimização das mulheres nos romances escritos por autores homens durante o século XIX.
E) carga alta de emoção presente nos livros produzidos por escritoras daquele período literário.
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A) escrita de mulheres que confere às personagens femininas protagonismo social.